Christopher Newport University COOP & Recovery Tabletop Exercise


August 2016 – November 2016


Tammy Waldroup-Sommer, Director of Emergency Management
Christopher Newport University
12270 Warwick Blvd, Newport News, VA 23606
Phone: 757-594-7428 Email:


The Olson Group, Ltd led the design & development, conduct, and evaluation of a COOP & Recovery Tabletop Exercise for Christopher Newport University (CNU). All CNU departments participated in the exercise along with private and public sector partners such as the Virginia Department of Emergency Management. The exercise focused on three core capabilities and objectives as follows:

⦁ Infrastructure Systems – Discussed continuity of operations and the need to stabilize critical functions, minimize health and safety threats, and efficiently restore and revitalize systems and services.

⦁ Public Information and Warning – Discussed the process for delivering coordinated and accurate information to the whole community.

⦁ Operational Coordination – Discussed the unified and coordinated operational structures and processes that will be implemented to support recovery efforts.

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Delaware Emergency Management Agency Active Shooter Exercises
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Denton County Public Health High Consequence Infectious Disease Tabletop Exercise