Territory of the Virgin Islands Territorial Emergency Management Agency Interoperable Communications and Mass Evacuation Planning


October 2006 to April 2008


Roy MacFarlane, Exercise and Training Coordinator

Virgin Islands Territorial Emergency Management Agency                  United States Virgin Islands

21-22 Kongens Gade St. Thomas, VI 00802

(314) 774-2244





OGL worked with U.S. Virgin Islands Territorial agency officials, first responders, and the private sector in the development of plans addressing both the use of Interoperable Communications on the islands and the mass evacuation of victims from a transportation or industrial accident.

In both plans, OGL personnel worked with the local participants to review existing plans, evaluate them against pertinent standards and legal requirements, and either write new or revise existing planning documents, standard operating procedures, and other guidance.

Throughout the drafting period, OGL collaborated with USVI agency staff, developing options and recommendations for consideration before writing the revised plans.  Upon their completion, the plans were tested in tabletop and full-scale exercises.

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