New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services (NH DHHS) Statewide and Local Public Health Emergency Scenario-Based Exercises


March 2015 – January 2022


Leigh A. Cheney, Director NH Department of Health and Human Service
Commissioners Office- Emergency Services Unit
129 Pleasant Street, Concord, NH 03301
Phone: (603) 271-9448




The Olson Group, Ltd. (OGL) was the prime contractor for a multi-year exercise contract with the State of New Hampshire, Department of Health and Human Services (NH DHHS). OGL was responsible for the development, logistics, conduct and evaluation of a series of statewide and local scenario-based public health emergency exercises addressing the full range of natural and man-made hazards.

OGL has employed tabletop, functional and full-scale exercises to test the operational functions within the Incident Command System structure for public health emergencies and the capabilities of a variety of public health emergency preparedness and response plans.  The exercises are designed to enable the Department to test, validate and improve operational functions and capabilities of public and private health care providers to various challenges at the state and local level.

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